Realising GeoE3 use cases: The Geospatial API Virtual Code Sprint November 2021

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GeoE3 is using several OGC technologies to harness the power of open standards and interoperable solutions. In order to exploit existing national geospatial platforms across Europe and develop a cloud-based ecosystem of generic services that dynamically integrate various datasets and services with geospatial data, this approach is paramount.

In order to develop and improve these standards and technologies, and continue to improve innovation across academia, government, and industry, developer events are taking place regularly.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and ISO / TC 211 invite software developers to the November 2021 Geospatial API Virtual Code Sprint, to be held from November 15th to November 17th, 2021. The event begins at 7:00am EST on the first day, and ends at 05:30pm EST on the last day.

A pre-event webinar will take place on November 9th at 09:00am EST, and will outline the scope of work for the code sprint, and provide an overview of the candidate standards.

The code sprint will offer an opportunity for joint discussion between participants on technical issues, requirements for Application Programming Interface (API) solutions, and findings from the prototyping of OGC API Standards, while providing mentoring and introductory content for developers who are new to the specifications. The majority of the time will be spent on collaboration between participants in active coding, and developing/testing of early implementations of the specifications. Specifically, this code sprint will focus on the jointly published OGC API – Features – Part 1: Core and ISO 19168-1:2020 Geospatial API for features Standard, as well as their extensions.

OGC and ISO / TC 211 have a long-standing partnership to advance Standards that enable the use of location information. Supporting this partnership, OGC has been developing a new generation of Standards for building web API solutions that make location-referenced information more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). These draft specifications come from OGC’s effort to create modular, resource-oriented API standards that use OpenAPI for describing interfaces that offer location-referenced information over the web.

To ensure that all new OGC API Standards are as developer-friendly, usable, and mature as possible before release, each draft specification is being put through one or more code sprints to test and improve their ‘readiness’ before starting the OGC Standards approval process.

An OGC Code Sprint is a collaborative and inclusive event driven by innovative and rapid programming with minimal process and organization constraints to support the development of new applications and candidate standards.

The November 2021 Geospatial API Virtual Code Sprint will focus on all parts of OGC API Features and the related ISO Standard – 19168-1:2020.

OGC API Features offers the capability to serve, create, modify, and query spatial data on the Web and specifies requirements and recommendations for APIs that want to follow a standard way of sharing feature data. ISO 19168-1:2020 refers to part 1 of OGC API Features, which focuses on delivery of feature content and query operations.

Registration for the code sprint and its associated pre-event webinar is available on the link below. The pre-event webinar will outline the scope of work for the code sprint, and provide an overview of the specifications

Registration now open
