

26 to 28 Feb. 2024Code SprintJoint OGC ASF OSGeo Code Sprint

The code sprint will be held  in Casa Cordovil-Universidade de Évora (Évora, Portugal) as a hybrid event supporting both face-to-face and remote participation. The code sprint will be hosted by Universidade de Évora, GeoBeyond and NaturalGIS

Click here for Registration and further information
15-16 Feb.Internal WorkshopProject Management Meeting
24-25 Jan. Internal WorkshopPartner Meeting
18th Jan.
10:00-12:00h CET
WebinarWebinar for NMCAs: Take your geospatial services to the next level with GeoE3
17th Jan.
14-15:30 CET
WebinarEficiencia energética de los edificios / Energy efficiency of buildings


Introducción sobre los datos de edificios de la DG del Catastro y el servicio de INSPIRE deEdificios (Buildings). Amalia Velasco (5′)

Cómo la DG de Catastro crea el 3D. Javier Luque (10′)

Qué ofrece la DG de Catastro en GEOE3 y qué ventajas tiene
ofrecer los datos en esta plataforma. Javier Luque (10′)

Directivas Europeas sobre Eficiencia Energética. ¿Qué datos se necesitan? Maria Ángeles Jimenez. (15′)

Aplicativo desarrollado por la Universidad Sevilla-Cádiz para satisfacer la demanda de datos a partir de GEOE3. Resultados y pasos futuros. Laura Romero y R. Monge (25′)

Teoría y práctica de las OGC API en los cursos en línea gratuitos de GeoE3- Location Innovation Academy. Paloma Abad (10′)

Ruegos y preguntas. Moderado por Rocio Rodriguez (15′)

Click here for the deck of slides
Click here for the recording

15th Jan.
12-14:00h CET

WebinarJSON-FG Workshop.

Please get in contact for further information
INSPIRE Conference 2023Session on DataSpaces
Full Agenda here:
ConferenceCombinación de HULCGIS y los servicios web de la plataforma GeoE3 para la estimación de eficiencia energética de edificios
Uso práctico de servicios OGC-API
Click here for deck of slides 
Youtube: (presentation in Spanish, start time: 1h 06 minutes aprox.)
ConferencePermanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union: International organisation that integrates the institutions responsible for Cadastre in the EU Member States.
23-29. Sep127th OGC Member Meeting Several GEOE3 contributions at 127 OGC Member Meeting Singapore
7-8 September 2023GEOE3 Project internal WorkshopWill take place in Amsterdam.
Closing on some of the GEOE3 Activities.
6th September 2023Innovation Event in NederlandsMetadata Matters,What Role Does Linked(Meta)Data Play in the Geospatial World? – Sound and Vision, Hilversum, the Netherlands
26-30.  June 2023Foss4G KosovoOrganized by OSGeo and with more than 15 years of experience, this international annual gathering of location enthusiasts is the largest global gathering for geospatial software. We are interested to discuss with open-source solution providers and startups developing new innovations in the field. We are working to create interoperable solutions for Europe and to contribute to the creation of European data spaces. See you in Prizren!​
26-28 JuneDataWeek in Leipzig/GermanyGeoE3 will take part in Data Week Leipzig that offers a week-long programme of events focusing on data, digitalisation, artificial intelligence and urban development challenges.  The content will highlight scientific, economic and social perspectives on data and artificial intelligence. Join us in this exciting week of events!​

15-16 June GEO SecretariatOpen Data & Knowledge Workshop
8-9 June 2023Baltic Geospatial Information Technology ConferenceAlpo Turunen and Hanno Kuus had a presentation “OGC APIs in Practice: Geospatially Enabled Ecosystem for Europe (GeoE3)“. It covered OGC APIs and Location Innovation Academy. In total 80-100 listeners. Click here to see slides.
126th OGC Member MeetingThe 126th OGC Member Meeting was held in Huntsville, Alabama, USA in June 2023. At that time both the ISO 19156 and the OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20 were published, concluding nearly four years of joint OGC and ISO / TC 211 standardization effort on revising the abstract O&M Standards. The role of the GeoE3 Activity 5 has been a significant one in this achievement. In addition to the released standards, the OMS SWG meeting in Huntsville discussed OMS model implementation experiences in the OGC WaterQuality and Geotech Interoperability Experiments, OMS related revision needs for the TimeseriesML Standard, the on-going Marine Reference Model work, and further ideas for the OMS Metadata profile.
24-26 May EuroSDR
Board of Delegates Meeting

18-19 Mai 2023
ConferencePresenting at the Baltic Conference
2-5 May 2023
Geospatial World Forum 2023 RotterdamPresentation on Location Innovation Hub and GEOE3
18-19 April 2023NMCA WorkshopGeoE3 project, Location Innovation HubEuroGeographics and EuroSDR are organising a workshop together for European NMCAs. It will take place in Brussels as a physical event. Location data has a huge potential – but we need to take the next step together to deploy this potential. Let’s come together and share ideas how to do it!​
6-8, March 2023    GeoPython, Basel, Switzerland A talk by Lassi Lehto with title: ‘Power of Python in Geodata Integration’
2 – 3 March 2023HackathonProvider of the data and organiser
Location Intelligence for smart cities

28 Feb – 1 Mar 2023
JRC IACS Workshop, Ispra
20-24 February126th OGC Member MeetingIn the 125th OGC Member Meeting in Frascati, Italy Ilkka chaired the OGC Observations, Measurements and Samples Standards Working Group (OMS SWG) meeting, where he summarized the status of the OMS Abstract Model. The final ISO 19156:2023 proof version had just been commented on and the OGC-branded version of the standard (Abstract Specification Topic 20, OGC 20-082r4) was in preparation. Most of the session was dedicated to the discussion on JSON implementations of the OMS data model and coordination of the OMS related activities within OGC. The Frascati meeting was also the birthplace of the initial idea for an OMS metadata profile: How could OMS concepts be used to describe observational datasets as an extension of standard dataset metadata specifications?

7 Dec 2022

Presentation ISO/TC211 Standards in Action Workshop
25-27 OctConferenceIberian Conference of SDI Sevilla (presence / online)
19-21 Oct 2022ConferenceGEOE3 Presentation at Smart Data and Smart City conference
20. OctDGIWG-meeting – session API’sGeoE3 introduction, demo of services
17-19 Oct 2022ConferenceGEOE3 Presentation at 2nd Climate Observation Conference
ConferenceEuroCarto 2022
Presentation on Integrating Statistical Databases with Geospatial Datasets
15. SepGEOE3 and FIN-EST meeting 
Exchange of Ideas and roadmap for the futur colaboration
4-6 SepConference
Presentation. Theme: ES1.6
Open Data – data, application development, impact
European Meteorological Society 

22-28. August

Presentation and workshops on data integration platform
At Foss4 G 2022

14th July

Gaia-X workshop/JRC
click here for Presentation

9.June 2022

GEOE3 Presentation general overview at open maps with europe


123rd OGC Member Meeting
Presentaion on OGC APIs
Iberian Forum of the OGC Member meeting
European Forum of the OGC Memeber Meeting
GEOE3 presented in opening session 
9-12th MayGeospatial World ForumPresentation

April 2021

65th INSPIRE MIG-T meeting

GeoE3 introduction, demo of services
122th OGC Member MeetingGEOE3 presenting in AgriSession
14-18 Dec.ConferenceICC Conference. Presenting on 3D Buildings
15-19. NovWorkshopSpatial Data Infrastructure
GEOE3 general introduction
GEOE3 technical details
25-29 OctWorkshopINSPIRE GAIA-X Workshop.
07.-08. Sep.ConferenceGeoE3 Presenting European Forum for Geography and Statistics EFGS
13. June119th OGC Member MeetingGEOE3 presented in the opening session
07. June DANUBIUS Workshop Presenting OGC APIs used in GEOE3 &
Panel Discussion
March118th OGC Member MeetingGEOE3 mentioned in AgriSession